The colors of Sicily

Sicilian Almanac - Grifasi Sicily's Home Page
Disegni siciliani (sul web dal 02/01/01)
During the summer of 1997 I visited Sicily for some weeks.
During this stay in such a marvelous island, where my ancestors were born, I was spellbound by the beauties of those places, by the luxuriant vegetation, by the wonderful inlets, by the historical monuments and by the artworks that the cultures and the civilizations of all ages were able to create and preserve, so now we can admire'em.
And so I decided to return with these notes the trip I did to let everybody know Sicily; also the ones who never went in these places kissed by sun and sea.

~ Angelo Grifasi ~
Italian Version
I colori della Sicilia

The origin of the name Grifasi
Pics of cities and towns of my family
(end of 800's-900's)
The places of my ancestors
This site has been one between the first in Italy about Sicily:
it's still one of the best after more than 24 years
Come and see how far it may take you.
Do you really know Sicily?
A little guide to the Sicilian's towns
I colori della Sicilia
S. Rosalia's image of 1946
Sicilian's Monuments History
Sicilians who conquered the World
Sicilian cities and towns' Pics
Myth and Legends
Houses Castles Villas of Sicily
Famous Sicilian People
Unknown Sicilian's talking
Sicilian Proverbs
Sicilian's curiosities
Sicilian traditional clothes
Touristical attractions
I colori della Sicilia
The Grifasi's Sicilian cooking
Tips to prepare food in Grifasi's House
The sweets from Sicily
Secret, curiosity and belongings: few notes on Sicilian kitchen
Dead Celebrations in Sicily
" Malicious " Sicilian's riddles
Tell me your name....Origin-History-Name days
How relationships are made
The terms used for descent's studying
The Italian Law articles establishing relationships
Triscele del 1932
I colori della Sicilia
disegno S. Trinità di Delia - Castelvetrano - Trapani

The Isle that disappeared (Ferdinandea Isle)

The Messina Strait
The Islands around Sicily
The Etna "Mongibello"
Sicilians' emigration 1870 - 1950

Habits and customs of the Sicilian people

The Sicilian Autonomy
The Kilo-metrical distances in Sicily
Was Shakespeare a Sicilian heretical ?
Art terms
Raffaello Sanzio How was he related to Sicily? Click here to discover
I colori della Sicilia

A piece of Literature  "The Sicilian Poetry School"

The Arabs the Normanns and the Svevi in Sicily
Not Sicilians Artists who made Sicily more beautiful with their works
Sicilians Painters, Sculptors and Architects
Lords and Kings from Sicily
The 42 Sicily's demanial cities: (the King Cities)
The reason of the Trinacria name
Poetries about Sicily
Portraits... of the great Sicilians
The ancient doors of Palermo
Glossary of the Palermo's terms (in Italian)
Cristo Pantocratore (mosaico del sec. XII - Duomo di Monreale)
I colori della Sicilia
Felice Nazzaro appearing on the Stampa Sportiva of 1913
.My Sicilian Books
The Legendary Targa Florio (1906 - 1925).The golden years
 The golden era of the Sicilian races (1907 - 1947)
 Newspapers and magazines, published in Sicily in 1900
 Administrators of Palermo from 1860 to nowadays
 Movies about Sicily
(A study about Sicilian Cinematography since 1930)
Sicilian Saints and Blessed of every era (in Italian)
 The time of the Vice Kings

The Castle at sea of Palermo

 The official hymn of the Sicilian region

The 1908 Messina Earthquake

.Sicily through Stamps
I colori della Sicilia
This month's new page
Sicilian Trolley Cars
(Through era's postcards and photographs - in Italian)

e-mail Grifasi
My preferred Links on Sicily and on the Web

I colori della Sicilia
® - A. Grifasi 2001
This site has been visited:
times since 16-12-1996
Last updated: 23 January 2025
Site created and maintained by Angelo Grifasi
Camilleri's fans club.

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~ The Grifasi Sicily's Home Page ~ Revision 9.8 - created on Web October 23rd 1996 -1996 ~ 2025 - Copyright ©  ~

Site dedicated to my father Angelo Sr.
Because he knew and loved this land, and to my two sons Daniela and Angelo so one day they may know and love this Isle.
Mario Grifasi

Site colours design by Grifasi Studio ® ~ Milano ~ Italy