The 42 demanial cities of Sicily

*(Federico II° Messina's Parlament in 1233)
Italian Version

In the Romano period of Sicily there were 2 administrative centers, called centers of Questura, Siracusa and Lilibeo (now Marsala).
    In the Arabic period Sicily was divided in 3 administrative centers, denominated Vallo di Mazara, with Mazara chief town and then Palermo, Vallo di Noto, with Noto chief town and then Catania, Vallo di Demone with Messina chief town. 
This division lasted about 900 years.
The 3 Valleys met just in one point in the center of the Isle, and precisely at Artesino, today Mountain Altesina, near Villadoro.
     Widest it was the Vallo di Mazara, it was little less of the half of the island, from Capo Libeo to the right bank of the Salso river, it had its borders inside the demanial cities of Termini, Polizzi and Alicata (today Licata), its square was about 11 thousands Kmq.
     The Vallo di Noto, was all the South oriental land, from the left shore of the Salso river to Head Sparrow, its borders were the City of Castrogiovanni (today Enna), S. Phillip of Agira, Catania and Noto, its square was of about 9.000 Kmq. In this Valley there also was the County of Modica, that was granted many privileges.
The Vallo di Demone was in the northern zone of the island, and it was going from all the zone near Etna, its borders were the cities of Cefalù and Messina, the square was of around 5.000 Kmq.
The Normanni will continue to maintain the administrative division of Sicily given from the Arabs, and they create: The Parliament of the Kingdom of Sicily, the more ancient of the world, (after the Icelandic Alting), the first reunion was in Mazara in 1097. The Parliament was composed of 3 arms: The Feudal, that was made up by the 56 Nobles (the first 10  were equal to the king), and with the Spanish domination, the first place was up to the Prince of Butera. The eclesiastico, with the 63 Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots and Archimandriti (Superior of a Customary Greek monastery), In case of a vacant Kingdom,  the regency was assumed by the Cardinal of Palermo.
The Demaniale, that owns the 42 DemanialCity, the Cities of the King.

Vallo di Mazara
Palermo- Termini - Polizzi - Coniglíone (Corleone) - Sutera - Alicata (Licata) - Castronovo
Naro - Girgenti (Agrigento) - Sciacca - Mazara - Marsala - Trapani - Salemí
Monte San Giuliano (Erice)

Vallo di Noto
Catania - Lentini - Agosta (Augusta) - Siracusa - Vizzíni - Caltagirone - Piazza (Piazza Armerina)
Mineo - Castrogiovanni (Enna) - San Fílíppo d'Argirò (San Filippo d'Agira) - Noto - Calascibetta

Vallo di Demone
Messina - Taormina - Jaci d'Aquíla (Acireale) -  Traina (Troina) - Nicusia (Nicosia)
Randazzo - Rometta - Patti - Milazzo - Castroreale - Mistretta - Cefalù
Santa Lucia (Santa Lucia del Mela) - Tortorici - Linguaglossa - Rometta

Demanial City Regal appellative Italian appellative Patron Saints

Palermo Urbs Felix Città Felice
Happy city
I° Cittadino 
« Pretore »
Santa Rosalia
S. Ninfa, S. Cristina, S. Oliva
Messina Urbs Nobilis Città Nobile
Noble city
I° Cittadino 
« Stratigoto »
Sant' Agata
Catania Urbs Claríssima Città Chiara
I° Cittadino 
« Patrízio »
Madonna della Lettera
Siracusa Urbs Fidelissima Città Fedele Santa Lucia
Urbs Magnifica Città Magnifica
Magnificent city
S. Gerlando Vescovo
Trapani Urbs Invincibilis Città Invincibile
Invincible city
Maria SS. Assunta
Patti Urbs Magnanima Città Magnanima
Magnanimous city
Santa Febronia
Cefalù Urbs Placens Città Placida
Placid city
Maria SS. Immacolata
Mazara Urbs Inclita Città San Vito
Sciacca Urbs Digna Città Degna
Worthy city
Maria SS. del Soccorso
Noto Urbs Ingegnosa Città Ingegnosa
Clever city
S. Corrado Confalonieri
Caltagirone Urbs Gratissima Città Grata
Grille city
I° Cittadino 
« Patricio »
S. Giacomo Maggiore
Urbs Vetustissima Città Vetusta
Ancient city
San Silvestro
(Termini Imerese)
Urbs Splendida Città Splendida
Splendid city
S. Agostino Novello
Marsala Urbs Antiqua Città Antica
Old city
S. Giovanni Battista
Lentini  Urbs Foecunda Città Feconda
Fertile city
Sant' Alfio
Urbs Inespugnabilis Città Inespugnabile Maria SS. della Visitazione
Naro Urbs Fulgentissima Città Fulgida
Radiant city
San Calogero
Urbs Dilecta Città Diletta
Dear city
Sant' Angelo
Urbs Constans Città Costante
Costant city
S. Nicolò di bari
(Polizzi Generosa)
Urbs Generosa Città Generosa
Generous city
San Gandolfo
Taormina Urbs Notabilís Città Notabile San Pancrazio
(Piazza Armerina)
Urbs Opulentissima Città Opulenta
Opulent city
Maria SS. delle Vittorie
Calascibetta Urbs Victoriosa Città Vittoriosa
Winning city
S. Pietro in Vincoli
Randazzo Urbs Plaena Città Piena
Flood city
San Giuseppe
Mineo Urbs Vetustissima 
et Iucundissima
Antichissima e Giocondissima
Ancient and Joyful city
Santa Agrippina
San Filippo d'Argirò
(San Filippo d'Agira)
Urbs Integra Città Integra
Entire city
San Filippo
Vizzini Urbs Oboediens Città Obbediente San Gregorio Magno
Monte San Giuliano
Urbs Excelsa Città Eccelsa
Sublime city
Maria SS. di Custonaci
Salemi Urbs Fidelis Città Fedele San Nicolò
Urbs Animosa Città Animosa
Soul city
San Leoluca Abate
Mistretta Urbs lmperialis Città Imperiale
Imperial city
San Sebastiano
Urbs Veneranda Città Veneranda San Domenico
Jaci d'Aquila
Urbs Amplissima Città Ampia
Ample city
Santa Venera
Sutera Urbs Subtilissima Città  Sublime Maria SS. Assunta Compatroni: S. Paolo Vescovo, S.Onofrio Re
Santa Lucia
(Santa Lucia del Mela)
Urbs Delictiosa Città Deliziosa
Delicious city
Santa Lucia
Tortorici Urbs Víctrix Città Vincitrice
Winning city
San Sebastiano
Linguaglossa Urbs Integra Città Integra
Entire city
Sant' Egidio
(Castronovo di Sicilia)
Urbs Città San Vitale Abate
Castroreale Urbs Fidelissima Città Fedelissima
Faithful city
San Silvestro Papa
Milazzo Urbs Fidelis Città Fedele Santo Stefano
Rometta Urbs Munitissima Impregnable city San Leone

Outside numbers: Carlentini - Urbs Caesarea (very back Attribute) and Pozzo di Gotto.
*At Federico II° time, the demanial citries were 23, as it results from the Parliament Acts of 1233, so some appellatives were given by Kings of next epoches.

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